1.) Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms tested and new batteries installed annually.
2.) Fire extinguishers located on each floor of home and every household member knows where they are located and how to operate.
3.) Electrical cords are not frayed and are not under rugs. Electrical outlets are not overloaded. Consider adding outlets to avoid using extension cords.
4.) Hire a chimney sweep and have flues and chimneys inspected and cleaned annually.
Inspect water heaters annually and keep combustible materials away from heater.
5.) Clean clothes dryer vents.
6.) Inspect washing machine hoses for signs of leaking.
7.) Install a sturdy deadbolt on every door to the outside – including door to garage.
8.) Trim shrubs and trees near windows and doors that provide hiding places for burglars.
9.) Install motion-sensing floodlights.
10.)Put your street number on your mailbox not your name.
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