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Bowers Insurance Blog

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Flood Insurance

Homeowners insurance policies DO NOT cover flooding. Flood insurance covers physical damage to your building and your personal property, once a flood has been deemed by FEMA. Please visit
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Frequently Asked Questions On Small Business Health Care Tax Credit

The IRS has issued frequently asked questions on the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit.,,id=220839,00.html
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Young Adults and the Affordable Care Act

The Department of Labor has issued the following fact sheet on the Affordable Care Act which allows young adults to stay on their parents’ health care plan until age 26.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


1. Put your mail and newspaper on hold or have a neighbor gather each day.
2. Timers on you lights to go on and off at various times. If possible, have your television or radio come on to give the effect someone is home.
3. If possible, park a car in your driveway.
4. Let a responsible neighbor know that you are going away and a contact number to reach you in an emergency.
5. If you have an answering machine, make sure the message indicates you can’t get to the phone not that you are away.
6. Make sure window and doors are secure and locked. Sometimes when rushing to leave on vacation, the locking of the door is overlooked.
7. Arm the security system and advise Alarm Company you are out of town.
8. Hire a house sitter that you trust.
9. Check that all electrical appliances are turned off.
10. Remove perishable foods from the refrigerator.
11. Adjust thermostats to save on electricity.
12. Arrange for lawn care if going for a long period of time.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Home Safety Check List

1.) Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms tested and new batteries installed annually.
2.) Fire extinguishers located on each floor of home and every household member knows where they are located and how to operate.
3.) Electrical cords are not frayed and are not under rugs. Electrical outlets are not overloaded. Consider adding outlets to avoid using extension cords.
4.) Hire a chimney sweep and have flues and chimneys inspected and cleaned annually.
Inspect water heaters annually and keep combustible materials away from heater.
5.) Clean clothes dryer vents.
6.) Inspect washing machine hoses for signs of leaking.
7.) Install a sturdy deadbolt on every door to the outside – including door to garage.
8.) Trim shrubs and trees near windows and doors that provide hiding places for burglars.
9.) Install motion-sensing floodlights.
10.)Put your street number on your mailbox not your name.
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