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Bowers Insurance Blog

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Home Maintenance

Now that summer has arrived we find ourselves with lots of projects to tackle.  But don't forget the maintenance of your home.  We would like to share the below link to a blog with some imformative tips that will help alleviate any unexpected suprises so you can enjoy your summer.

Is there something you do that would help others in their summer home maintenance?  We would love to hear from you!!

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

With Memorial Day weekend just around the corner we found a great article for Memorial Day traveling safety.  Enjoy and safe travels!
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Are you prepared for a severe storm?  The link below offers a check list of preparation ideas. 
A few more suggestions to keep in mind:
  • Be sure to grab your medications
  • Have a point of contact that is out of town in case you are separated from your family.  Have a plan for everyone to check in with onthe point of contact to let them know of their safety.
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Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange announces its Connector Program to ensure that Maryland’s uninsured have access to the new health insurance options. Click on the following link further details.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New law will crack down on distracted driving

Insurance Agents & Brokers of Maryland: Agent Headlines : Weekly News & Information

Maryland agents and their customers will have new motivation to put down their phones while driving when a new law takes effect in October. Legislation passed earlier this month by the Maryland General Assembly gets tough on distracted driving by strengthening the state’s existing law. House Bill 753 makes the use of a hand-held mobile phone while driving a primary offense and provides for significant increases in fines for distracted driving violations.

Currently, use of a hand-held phone while driving is a secondary offense, and drivers cannot be pulled over and ticketed for that offense alone. Under the new law, police will be allowed to pull over drivers solely for using a hand held phone while the vehicle is in motion. What was once a fine of not more than $40 for a first offense and a fine of $100 for second offense has increased substantially—up to a $75 fine for the first offense, $125 for a second offense and $175 for a third infraction.

The law takes effect on Oct. 1, 2013.

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